If you’re one of the 200 million people affected by urinary incontinence, you may be wondering what is the EMSELLA chair and how does it work?

Emsella is a revolutionary device that uses electromagnetic waves to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. In fact, EMSELLA can perform thousands of kegel-like contractions in just one 28-minute session, resulting in a 95% patient success rate. 

Just ask Linda the Foot Nurse, who started offering EMSELLA treatments after seeing positive results herself!


The EMSELLA chair works by emitting a high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) wave to create supramaximal contractions within the pelvic floor muscles. This procedure is completely non-invasive, all be it almost relaxing.

Emsella has revolutionized the incontinence industry, by using electromagnetic waves to create supramaximal contractions by the thousands. In just 30 minutes on the EMSELLA chair is equivalent to doing over 10,000 Kegels!

The chair helps target weakened muscles within the pelvic floor. The stimulation of these muscles improves bladder control and reduces incontinence. In fact, 95% of patients see an improvement after the first session, however, for best results we recommend completing the full treatment, a 30-minute session twice a week for 3 weeks

Who Can Benefit From Emsella?

If you can answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions, you may benefit from EMSELLA:

  • Does your bladder seem to control your life?

  • Have you given birth to at least one child?

  • Do you experience leakage while laughing, sneezing, coughing, or exercising?

  • Do you carry extra weight on your body?

  • Does the leakage affect exercise or intimacy?

  • Are you going through menopause?

Urinary incontinence does not discriminate. Though it is more likely to occur in women, men also have issues with incontinence. Women in their twenties (who have not had children) can still struggle with incontinence, especially athletes who participate in high-impact sports or those who struggle with obesity.

Book your first EMSELLA appointment today!

Urinary incontinence is nothing to laugh about. The sooner you discover the EMSELLA chair at Linda’s Foot and Wellness Clinic, the sooner you can get back to normal.

Contact Linda’s Foot and Wellness Clinic at 519-589-4470 today to learn more about EMSELLA or to schedule your first appointment.
